News and Information
Please click below for a message from Principal Tracy Fike
Welcome Letter 2024-25 English
Welcome Letter 2024-25 Spanish
Trailside Two-Minute Tour
2024-2025 School Calendar
Meet and Greet: August 19, 4:30 PM to 5:30 PM
School Begins (Kindergarten - 5th Grade): August 20
Labor Day (no school): September 2
Parent Teacher Conferences: September 23 - October 1
Fall Recess (no school): October 17 & 18
School Picture Day: October 22
Professional Day (no school): November 1
Thanksgiving (no school): November 28 - 29
Picture Day Make-up: December 10
Winter Recess (no school): December 23 - January 3
Martin Luther King (no school): January 20
February Recess (no school): February 17 - 21
Professional Day-Make Up Snow Day: March 14
Teacher Compensation Day (no school): April 14
Spring Recess (no school): April 15 - 18
Memorial Day (no school) May 26
PCSD 2024-25 Online Registration/PCSD 2024-25 Inscripción en Línea
Please click the links below for all student registrations for the 2024-2025 school year.
PCSD Online School Registration
PCSD 2024-25 Inscripción en Línea
Please contact Lori Pearce at for more information.
Free and Reduced Lunch Application
Click the link below to apply for 2024-25 Free and Reduced Lunch Program
Free and Reduced Price School Lunch Information
Mission and Vision Statement
We strive to engage and challenge students, supporting their growth, knowledge, curiosity, and critical thinking skills to achieve their goals.
At Trailside, we believe in building strong foundations for learning that will empower all students for future success by supporting the diverse needs of each individual. Through a comprehensive and balanced curriculum, we promote a love for knowledge and encourage critical thinking skills. We inspire curiosity and creativity, equipping all students with the skills they need to excel academically, socially, and emotionally.
Adoption of School Fees for 2024-2025
Please click the link below to view the 2023-24 School Fees Policy.
PCSD School Adopted Fee Schedule and Forms
Parking Lot Procedures for Pick Up and Drop Off
Dear Families,
Please review the following document for important safety information. All the information is critical, and I would like you to pay close attention to keeping everyone safe in the morning and afternoon, especially the use of crosswalks.
Thank you,
Principal Fike
Trailside Elementary School
Trailside Dress Code
The dress code will be enforced to promote the health and safety of our students and uphold the common decency standards of our community. We are a school of high standards and our expectations for dress follow our educational philosophy.
If you dress inappropriately, we will contact a parent or guardian to either take you home or bring appropriate clothing to school.
- Clothes must be neat and clean and promote an appropriate, positive image. (Pants and shorts must fit and remain at the waist – no pajama bottoms)
- No low cut blouses and navels must be covered.
- Shirts and coats may not be grossly oversized.
- Pants, shorts & skirts must cover undergarments and be fingertip length. (when your arm is at your side, your clothing must be no shorter than the tip of your finger)
- Shoes must be worn at all times.
- Hats, sunglasses, and other distracting accessories cannot be worn in school.
- Sleeveless tops must have a strap at least 2″ in width and not reveal bra straps.
- Clothing with vulgar, profane, or sexual innuendo messages will be taken from the student.
- Clothing with alcohol, tobacco, or drug messages cannot be worn.
- This dress code is consistent with the expectations of the middle schools.