School Library
Readers are Leaders!
The 7 Habits of Happy Kids
1. Be Proactive * You’re in Charge
2. Begin with the end in mind * Have a Plan
3. Put First Things First * Work First, Then Play
4. Think Win-Win * Everyone Can Win
5. Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood * Listen Before you Speak
6. Synergize * Together Is Better
7. Sharpen the Saw * Balance Feels Best
Be sure to contact me if you have any further questions: Katie Coccaro (Librarian)
Search for Books in TSES Library Search for books in other Park City Libraries
- Know your library day.
- Know your AR goal.
- Read every night without being reminded.
- LOVE to read!
- Make your AR goal!
- How will you achieve it?
- Read books that challenge you and help you to grow.
- Homework first, play later.
- Make reading a priority.
- Be consistent in your independent reading, your skills will improve!
- Read books that make you a better friend.
- Read books that teach you about other cultures.
- Let books help you to see things from other’s viewpoints.
- Enjoy sharing your ideas about books, and listening to other’s ideas.
- Read different genres of books.
- Read to develop your hobbies and interests.
- Alexandria Researcher
- Park City Library
- Summit County Library
Information Highway Assistance!
Follow the link below to find age and grade level appropriate information for research.
Break the GOOGLE habit.
Happy Travels!
- Utah’s Online Library
- NetTrekker
- EasyBib
- Citation Machine
- Applying the Big6
- Merriam Webster Dictionary
- Awesome Library
- Fact Monster
- Word Central
- Internet Safety
- Holiday Fun
- International Children’s Library
- Time For Kids
- Scholastic News
Contact Us
Katie Coccaro